Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week Long Vacation; REPLY TO THIS ONE

I took a vacation for a very good reason; I made a promise to myself and a friend that I would never blog whiny, stupid, introspective bullshit about how bad my life is and how much it sucks to be me. In this last week, there would have been a lot of that, I'm in a funk that I can't quite kick yet and I'm in a place where I've stopped feeling everything is going to be OK. So, I've decided to turn my blog over to the one and only Corporal Angus Boyardee. His first segment is going to be 'Ask the Corporal,' in which he's going to answer your questions that you have for him. Unfortunately, he needs questions to be asked first. So, if you reply to this post with a question, he'll give you an answer.

1 comment:

  1. What should you call your underpants? Underpants sounds like something you say when you're six. If you say 'underwear' you could be referring to your t-shirt as well, right? If you're a Brit you could say, 'knickers', but that doesn't work here, does it? You can't say
    'tighty-whities' if you're wearing boxers, and vice-versa. Woman can say 'panties', but it sounds queer when a guy says it. So Corporal, what say you regarding the unmentionables?
